Underground Oil Storage Tank
Professional Tank & Environmental specializes in the removal, abandonment and installation of underground heating oil storage tanks. Contrary to popular belief, residential underground tanks are not regulated by the Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) and most local municipalities have limited regulations as well. However, an abandoned or leaking tank can still cause extensive and costly problems if not properly handled.
As required by law, Professional Tank always pulls permits and has utilities marked prior to any excavation. The entire access path to the excavation area is covered with plywood to protect lawns, sidewalks, driveways and other landscaping from the weight of our equipment and trucks.
Underground Tank Removal
When removing and underground tank, we ensure that all petroleum product is removed from the tank prior to it’s excavation. All petroleum is manifested and disposed of in accordance with PADEP regulations. That tank is disposed of at a licensed salvage facility and the excavated area is back-filled with screened topsoil.
Underground Tank Abandonment
When an underground tank is buried where removal is not possible, most municipalities allow the tank to be cut, cleaned and filled in place with sand or concrete. Often the municipality or property owner will request soil analysis prior to filling in place to document the tank has not leaked. To properly abandon a tank in the ground it must be pumped-out, cut open and all solid sediment must be removed.
In some areas and neighborhoods, underground fuel storage tanks are the only option. There are no governing laws in Pennsylvania that prohibits the installation of tanks underground. A new tank installation is similar to an underground tank removal. Once the existing tank is removed the ground is leveled and a soft bed of soil is set for the new tank. The tank is pressure tested and backfilled while under pressure to ensure no fittings or connections have been broken when the soil is placed on top of the tank. Soil is mounded on top of the tank and graded for settlement.