Many HVAC systems require heating or fuel oil to function. While this is an efficient way to heat your home, it also poses the risk of oil leaks, resulting in costly clean-ups or, even worse, safety issues.
What Causes Oil Tanks to Leak?
Several factors may contribute to an oil leak, including:
- Rusting
- Corrosive soil
- Small vent pipe
- Water condensation
- Pipe leaks
Most of these issues are a direct result of improper installation or low-quality systems. For instance, contamination and corrosion often occur when an oil tank is installed in a poor location, such as in acidic soil or an area where water can easily enter the tank. Similarly, rusting or pipe leaks can happen when the system or delivery is of poor quality. While these issues are typically not the owner’s fault, they’re still the ones that will have to pay for them.
Dangers of Oil Leaks
Oil leaks are more than just an aesthetic issue. To avoid safety problems and prevent run-off into nearby water systems, they need to be adequately cleaned up by professionals. Not having the leak cleaned up can jeopardize your health and safety. The risks of oil leaks include:
- Damage to the HVAC System
- Environmental impacts
- Accidental fires
Fortunately, most of these problems can be avoided by having an experienced, professional team handle your installation and system needs in the first place.
Partner with Premier Oil Storage Tank Specialists
The best way to prevent oil leaks is by addressing the causes before they have the chance to occur, which can only be done by a proper tank company. However, the costs you save in the long-term and the health risks you avoid make it a worthy investment.
At Professional Tank, we only use high-quality oil tanks that are always handled by a team of professionals with extensive training and experience in the heating oil service industry. We offer both underground oil storage tank and aboveground oil storage tank installations, as well as soil remediation services to prevent contamination issues. You want the best when it comes to oil tank installation, and we offer that. For more information, reach out to us today!